Customer Relationship
Modern Customer Retention: What You Need to Know
A renewed, and long overdue, focus on retention is finally here. Companies are finding success through...
Build vs. Buy: Implementing the Right Experimentation Solution
To build and deliver products that customers love, product teams at leading enterprises such as Uber,...
17 formas de realizar los proyectos de marketing
¿Qué impide a los equipos de marketing tener éxito? ¿Por qué algunos directores de marketing parecen...
Insight 50 Takeaways: Lead Generation and Pipeline Wins
As marketers, we always have too much to do and too little time. The Insight50 series is designed to...
E-signaturen 2020: nutzungsszenarien und chancen
Elektronische Signaturen sind mittlerweile Mainstream. Recherchen im Rahmen dieses Berichts haben ergeben,...
E-signatures for Global Businesses
This eBook covers the benefits and challenges of electronic and digital signatures, compliance considerations,...
Rationalise to Modernise Your Martech Stack
Enterprises in the high-tech industry continue to prioritise market share, revenue growth, cost containment...
5 CRM Strategies for Effective Cross-Selling and Upselling
Effective cross- or upselling improves customer loyalty, deepens customer relationships and ultimately,...
14 innovative personalisation ideas for the digital-first customer
Prior to 2020, customer personalisation was a nice thought. However, the global pandemic shifted everything....
Entrega de contenidos personalizados para Dummies
El año 2020 ve al planeta viviendo una pandemia. Con algunas excepciones, como el heroico personal de...
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