Marketing Technology
4 Actionable ways to retain your top talent
Thinking about how to approach talent retention and key your best performers? Download this guide to...
Mastering Retention: Product Analytics Playbook
Care about growth? Then you should care about user retention. Without retention, your product is a leaky...
Inleiding in Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM)
Ontdek hoe Contract Lifecycle Management (Contractlevenscyclusmanagement of kortweg CLM) helpt bij het...
The role of CIO in a world where experience rules
In recent years, the role of CIO has evolved to meet a wider set of responsibilities and aspirations....
Sales Management Association report: Sales planning practices
Still using manual sales planning processes? Inefficient, slow, and error-prone planning processes hurt...
The Digital Business: What Do Your Customers Expect?
With every week that passes, our dependency on paper wanes as digital processes are introduced into every...
Marketing in the Dark : Dark Data
The rise of marketing technology has in some ways shined a light into areas that were previously hard...
Adobe Workfront solves critical business challenges
Today's work is more complex, connected,and digital than ever before. Remote employees need to collaborate...
Deliver individual experiences to achieve incredible results
We demand it in all aspects of our daily lives. Wherever we interact – in person or online – we want...
Top Regional Bank, Case Study
Leading Bank Stops Automated Fraud. Banks and financial institutions focus on driving digital innovation...
Customer Engagement Platforms: A BUYER'S GUIDE
Customer expectations have increased dramatically over the past decade. Customers now expect brands to...
Increase Your Productivity with DocuSign for Office 365
Microsoft has teamed up with DocuSign to make our industry-leading eSignature apps available to businesses...
Trades and transactions
For many companies, the sales team sits at the heart of its profitability. Its ability to operate efficiently...
How to solve your content crisis
Your customers expect memorable moments at every brand touchpoint. But when you have websites, social...
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